These successes represent hope for the species and the power of collaboration. In every single success there have been two key ingredients and you could argue a third which is the raw passion that powers everything we do.

Support from Generous Donors

The Team who truly “knows how to get it done”

Here are a few of the successes and teams we have supported over the last few years.


This was the largest project we have embarked on to date. Partnering with the Cabela Family Foundation and Zambeze Delta Conservation we recovered over 2 million acres of wild lion habitat and saw 24 individuals become close to 100 over a 6 year period!


We have undertaken many giraffe conservation actions. Tagging translocations and assessments in partnership with Giraffe Conservation Foundation. This is a highly effective team that we partner with and have helped to expand the wild giraffes home range by over 6 million acres.


Partnering with the Shikar Safari Club and several other people we supported the importation of a whole pack of Texas bred hounds. This project completely overturned the rhino poaching landscape, and over the last few years with our continued support has had profound effects way beyond the immediate Kruger area, with well over 200 arrests made. This is one of our most successful anit-poaching ventures.


We have funded and assisted several elephant translocations over the last few years and usually these translocations serve three distinct “masters”. First, they serve the communities where the elephants are causing conflict. Second, they serve the elephants themselves, and third, they serve the destination landscapes many of which have too few elephant so indeed a complex and expensive undertaking, but multiple layers of measurable success as a result.


A drastic but necessary measure in the protection of rhino is to remove their horns. We have funded and assisted with many dehorning projects in a wide variety of landscapes. An expensive but highly effective undertaking, this is always an ongoing need and well received deployment of support.


Partnering with the Cabela Family Foundation and Zambeze Delta Conservation we completed a translocation of a whole founder population of cheetah from various reserves in South Africa to coutada 11 in Mozambique, This has proved a challenging but ultimately successful endeavor that has resulted in an enormous landscape that now has inhabited by cheetah! 


lwiro primates is an exceptional organization type which we have been a big supporter of, rescuing chimps from the illegal pet trade as well as countless monkeys of many species from the bushmeat trade. This centre deep in the Democratic Republic of Congo is a project we are very proud to support.


Human wildlife conflict as it pertains to elephants is rampant in many parts of Africa. We have engaged deeply with the Mozambique wildlife alliance and supported many of their collaring and conflict mitigation actions, supporting, flying, vet fees and collaring has helped enormously in reducing this conflict.